McKenzie Method® of Mechanical Diagnosis and Treatment® (MDT)
Take Control Physical Therapy Centers is the only certified Mckenzie clinic in Northeast Florida. This designation aligns with our principles and beliefs that all patients have the ability to learn how to self manage and treat their symptoms accurately and effectively in order to prevent recurrences; we teach our clients the tools to take control of their health. The Mckenzie Method is a scientifically proven thought process that can be used to accurately treat the spine and the extremities. It was developed by Robin Mckenzie in New Zealand over 40 years ago and is now being taught in over 40 countries worldwide.
How It Works
MDT ( Mckenzie Method) is a comprehensive, evidence-based system of examination, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis, intervention and prevention strategies aimed at patient education and independence. In other words, the Mckenzie Method allows you to be an active participant in your journey in a way different than standard physical therapy care. We provide care that is effective long term, not just when you are in for a visit.
Known to show results in as little as two to three visits
Driven by sound clinical reasoning for individualized plans of care
Cost-efficient treatment minimizing the need for expensive tests or procedures: no needles, no injections, no surgery.
The Mckenzie method is not a set of exercises, or only effective for a specific diagnosis. It involves 4 distinct stages utilizing a scientific approach that can be applied to anyone.
The 4 stages of the Mckenzie Method are:
1: Assessment
MDT begins with the clinician taking a detailed history about your symptoms and how they behave. You will be asked to perform certain movements and rest in certain positions. The main difference to most other assessments is the use of repeated movements rather than a single movement. How your symptoms and range of movement changes with these repeated movements provides the clinician with information that they can use to categorise your problem.
2: Classification
By utilizing an examination that looks at only one posture and position at a time the treatment classification is made safely, accurately and the patient is also able to follow the steps that lead to their treatment diagnosis. This allows the progression to treatment to be well understood for the patient, and decreases complications that can arise by treating symptoms before understanding the problem. Each person that comes to our clinic has a unique nature, goals and presentation. For example, two people can have back pain that have similar MRI findings but need completely different treatment plans because they have different features when they move and function. This is identified by an accurate classification, after which your specific treatment plan can be developed.
3: Treatment
Using the information from the assessment, the clinician will prescribe specific exercises and advice regarding postures to adopt and postures to temporarily avoid. If your problem has a more difficult mechanical presentation, a qualified MDT clinician may need to add hands-on techniques until you can self-manage. The aim is to be as effective as possible in the least number of sessions. Treatment that you can perform five or six times a day is more likely to be effective in a shorter period of time than treatment administered by the clinician once or twice per week. The emphasis is on you, the client, being actively involved. This minimizes the number of visits to the clinic, and ultimately, most patients can successfully treat themselves when provided with the necessary knowledge and tools.
4: Prevention
Prevention is the ultimate goal for our clients. We present an easy to follow plan for our clients, and by learning how to self-treat the current problem, you gain knowledge on how to minimize the risk of recurrence. You can also rapidly deal with symptoms if they recur, putting you in control of your treatment safely and effectively. Persisting problems are more likely to be prevented through self-maintenance than by passive care.

Why a certified clinic matters
To become a certified Mckenzie clinic, a Diplomate of the Mckenzie Institute International must be working onsite. In the Mckenzie Method a therapist must take multiple courses totaling greater than 250 hrs of coursework and pass a written and practical examination to signal minimal competency in the method at the certification level. The Diploma in MDT designates a clinician who has achieved the highest level of training in the Mckenzie Method for competency.
Research shows those trained at the Diploma level, such as the therapists employed at Take Control Physical Therapy, utilize the McKenzie method with accuracy in exercise prescription, such that those that are untrained do not. This can result in inaccurate diagnosis and incorrect exercises when trying to use the method ( Abady 2014, Werneke 2014).
You must see a McKenzie specialist in order to receive the treatment accurately.
For more information on the difference in qualifications for therapists trained in the Mckenzie Method:
Abady AH, Rosedale R, Overend TJ, Chesworth BM, Rotondi MA. Inter-examiner reliability of diplomats in the mechanical diagnosis and therapy system in assessing patients with shoulder pain. J Man Manip Ther. 2014;22(4):199-205. doi:10.1179/2042618614Y.0000000068
Werneke MW, Deutscher D, Hart DL, Stratford P, Ladin Joel, Weinberg J, Herbowy S, Resnik L. McKenzie Lumbar Classification: Inter-rater Agreement by Physical Therapists with Different Levels of Formal McKenzie Postgraduate Training. Spine 2014 39(3):E182-90. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000000117